This plugin will let you use your own FROM address in the emails sent to your customers.
Actually, this is possible also without using this extension but in this case the emails containing your address in the FROM field will be sent from the planyo servers. This can
result in the emails being rejected by some receiving mail servers although this is really rare. By using the extension and Amazon SES service, the probability of
successful delivery of the messages will be increased. Additionally, this extension lets you configure DKIM signatures for your emails to further minimize the risk of your mails being flagged as spam.
Advantages of the subscription version:
The first month is free so you can test the extension very easily, also in case you prefer to get the download version later on. Very easy set up, only choice if you don't have your own server (or you have one without PHP support) or if you simply want to get started without hassle of going through the setup. If you need more flexibility in the future, you can cancel the subscription and purchase to the download version at any time in the future. With the subscription version you have a flat monthly rate and you don't need to make any payments to Amazon.Als Abo kaufen | Kaufbedingungen |
CHF 3/Monat | Monatsabonnements für die Erweiterung kaufen. Die Erweiterung ist auf unseren Servern gespeichert, so dass keinerlei Installation nötig ist. Dies ist die einfachste Art, eine Erweiterung zu nutzen. Der erste Bezugsmonat ist immer kostenlos, so dass Sie die Erweiterung testen können. Nach den ersten 30 Tagen wird Ihr planyo-Konto so lange automatisch mit der Monatsgebühr belastet, bis Sie Ihr Erweiterungs-Abo kündigen. Ihr Konto muss positiv sein, damit die Belastung erfolgen kann. |